Sibe2025: Music and social conflict. Paradigms, approaches and challenges of contemporary ethnomusicology
6-9 Nov 2025 Barcelona (Spain)

Submissions accepted

The SIBE conference will accept three types of participation:

  • Individual paper
  • Panel
  • Poster

The accepted languages are: Spanish, Portuguese, English, Catalan, Galician, and Basque.

Individual Paper

Abstracts between 250 and 300 words are accepted, along with a brief list of bibliographical references (and/or sources, if applicable) and a set of three to five keywords. A short biography of the author(s) must also be included, along with the thematic area in which the presentation is framed.

Papers should not exceed 20 minutes of presentation, with 10 minutes allocated for discussion. The use of visual aids is recommended to facilitate following the presentation.


Proposals for panels or round tables organised prior to the congress will be accepted.

The organiser must submit a general abstract for the panel and the individual abstracts for each presentation (250-300 words per presentation). A list of keywords and a complete list of participant names, along with their abbreviated biographies, must also be provided.

The format for panels will be 90 minutes, including up to three papers (30 minutes per paper). In the case of round tables, up to six participants will be accepted, each having 10 minutes for their presentation. Each session, whether a panel or round table, will be moderated by the organiser of the panel or round table and must leave at least 30 minutes for discussion.


Abstractsof 250-300 words, alongwith a briefbiographyoftheauthor and a listofthreetofivekeywords, will be acceptedforsubmission. 

Duringthecongress, a designated space will be allocated for the permanent display of accepted posters. Additionally, a specific time slot will be arranged for each author to present their work, with a maximum duration of 10 minutes. 

Accepted proposals must adhere to the presentation and design guidelines for scientific posters, which can be found here. 


Submission of Proposals

Proposals must be submitted through the following page: 

Submissions will be accepted until 30th March 2025.

Each participant must be a SIBE member or any of the branches of the international societies that SIBE hosts (IASPM, ICTMD).

Become a member here.

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